
2think was founded in January 2005 by Fiona Santangelo to provide professional psychological services to the community that is accessible and affordable.

2think believes every individual has the right to improve their life and receive health treatment. In adopting this locally, all community members have the right to access counselling services regardless of severity and type of issue or financial means.

Psychological services have traditionally been difficult to access for the general community due to cost, location and availability of qualified practitioners. The result has been the community not obtaining necessary treatment, issues escalating due to lengthy waiting periods, or additional financial pressure to families and individuals. Due to the limitations of public health to provide this service comprehensively, it has now been recognised that private psychologists can assist in fulfilling this gap and is supported through Medicare. 2think aims to provide timely and affordable services to individuals and families that are professional and best meets the needs of the client. Services include counselling, clinical supervision and consultation.

"You can expect respectful, informative, ethical and professional service free from judgement when you contact me. If you have something on your mind please contact me and if I am not the best person to support you I will direct you to the right resources. I would love to hear from you."

Water butterfly

About Fiona Santangelo

Fiona Santangelo

Fiona Santangelo is a registered Psychologist who has provided specialist counselling for youth, adults and their families for over 10 years. She is experienced within the health field, particularly with alcohol & other drug and mental health concerns. This has been within both the local community and internationally.